CP Kazor and Local Advertising In his Books

Dahlonega, Georgia  will be featured in my next book -Stories of the Mystery Trust – out in December  —-  I will be in Dahlonega the first two weeks in November,

In a recent interview after the publication of his second book, “Civil War Battle Born,” CP Kazor was asked if he found it difficult to write. He answered, “For me, it is easy to write the books, the hard part is selling them.”

Between the writing of “Civil War Battle Born“ and “The Mystery Trust: The Beginning,” he embarked on a way to help sell his books. Now, every book contains placement advertisements for small local businesses within a local community.

For example, in “The Mystery Trust: The Beginning,” Brandon (and Tampa) Florida on page 7, one of the lead characters had her office at Rivergate Commons Office Complex, so in the opening of the book there is a mention of Rivergate Commons and the fact that they have a Tampa Address away from the Tampa Traffic and a fraction of the cost of an office in downtown Tampa. On page 22, we mention Citrus Carpet and the owner, Jim Hirz, as well as mentioning 3 C Deli. On pages 51 and 57, we talk about Fat Willie’s Fish Camp, and throughout the book, we mention JC’s Sandwich Shop. On page 229, we mention Southern Mortuary, and, we mention Tampa Sweets Cigar Company and Arturo Fuente cigars many times in the book.

The big question is how much does this cost the business owners? The answer for now is NOTHING! The only thing we ask is that you help us organize a Book Signing Party so I can sell some books and the business can promote their businesses at the event.

Lastly, each business gets two FREE books, to give away, keep or sale.


Do you visit the business? – Yes, I, CP Kazor will stop by to meet you the business owner.

Does the business owner have Editorial approval on what is written? YES ! You can write what you want, I may shorten it a bit, or I can write it, and send you an email approval. If I don’t hear from you in 7 days it goes in. 

Do you ever say anything bad about the business?  NO!  NEVER, this is a puff piece, should you have had a bad review, let us know and we will help you write something that will counteract it. We want to help you, we are not food critics, hospitality fault finders, or a business accreditation service.

Do you expect comps? Well, that is up to you, if you want to comp me personally I would wait for when I am up there for the Book signing. The short answer is NO!

What do you expect from the businesses for the Book signing?  Whatever you want to give to help PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS. The biggest thing is a place to hold it.  Businesses, a coupon, our carpet guy gave us small bottles of carpet stain remover, Restaurants, Coupons, or samples. The Book signing is not only a way for me to sell books, but a way to promote your business. 



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